Cross gcc Mailing List Archive


Re: build gcc as a cross-compiler with a cross-compiler

> | I'm trying to build gcc as a cross-compiler, with a cross-compiler (the
> | actual context follows the message), and I have some problems with the
> | compilation of 'gen<thing>' in gcc which must not be compiled with the
> | cross-compiler, but with the native one.
> | I believe there must be a mean to do that without breaking the
> | makefiles.
> | 
> | Any hint to help me?

... <great stuff on Canadian crosses from Michael Meissner deleted> ...

It will probably help you to read the crossgcc FAQ on in 
/pub/embedded/crossgcc.  It has a great discussion of building a DOS 
hosted m68k cross-compiler on a linux box.   This FAQ should help a lot.



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