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Re: Portable source form of MOO database

> I'm trying to avoid the use of object numbers, which are assigned
> unpredictably by the server.  If a objnamed function were possible then
> maybe 

This is a very hard thing to do.  I suggest poking around 

>     @go objnamed("Train Station Steps")
>***Kipp> You're mixing the code parser with
>***Kipp> the command parser (perhaps you can explain this better, Pavel)
>***Kipp> To find out object numbers of objects you've forgotten, type
>***Kipp> '@audit [<player>]'
> One of the questions I was trying to ask is `how do I create user
> defined functions?  Is it even possible?'  I can't seem to find it in
> the docs anywhere.

Where did you even hear that you could?  They're called 'verbs'.

>   Kipp> Okay, a brief summary that should make this easier...  Commands
>   Kipp> go: <verb>[[ <dobj>][ <prep>[ <iobj>]]] CODE does just about
>   Kipp> everything else..  (Keep in mind that <function>(<args>) and
>   Kipp> <OBJ>:<VERB>(<args>) are in code, not commands.)
> I just looked to see if there is anything called code or @code (in the
> LambdaCore DB)-- nope.  Assume I am a rank newbie, how can I define a
> function? 

Nononono, I mean, CODE as in the stuff you put in when you type '@program...'

<verb>[[ <dobj>][ <prep>[ <iobj>]]]
Nowhere in this expression does it mention any builtin functions.  They 
may only be called from within CODE, not commands.  I think you're 
getting confused with unix shells.

There is, though, a verb that is called every time the server wants to 
match an object; <player>:my_match_object(<objname>);
The verb normally calls :match and then $string_utils:match_object.

With the following code, you can type the names of objects you own, even 
if you aren't near the objects.
You should write something like this:

  for y in (this.owned_objects)
    (seconds_left<2 || ticks_left() < 50) && suspend(0);
      return y;
return x;


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