MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
Re: Portable source form of MOO database
Overcome by nausea on Tue, 28 Nov 1995 07:52:40 PST, Andreas Dieberger
retched up these words:
Andreas> That would be very useful. Probably the most obvious
Andreas> application for something like that is to have an offline
Andreas> 'structure editor' in which you can design a whole MOO area -
Andreas> then you log into the MOO and say "insert the whole stuff
Andreas> north of here" and it makes sure that all room exits are
Andreas> still valid and that the new area gets connected to the
Andreas> correct rooms that were in the MOO beforehand.
Andreas> I thought a lot about how to do that already but didnt come
Andreas> up with any good idea so far. One idea I had was to use
Andreas> metarooms so that each metaroom defines one such area. But
Andreas> that is not really a good solution either, I think.
Andreas> Still this alone wouldnt solve another problem I am thinking
Andreas> a lot about: How to *change* MOO areas easily. I would like
Andreas> to have a dynamic area in my MOO, one that is rearranged
Andreas> every now and then to experiment with various topologies. I
Andreas> certainly could keep the rooms and change the exits all the
Andreas> time but I would prefer to have such an offline structure
Andreas> editor and to replace an old area periodically with a new
Andreas> structure. Yes I know, MOOs were not really built to support
Andreas> something like that, but - hey - show me one piece of
Andreas> software that really is used _exactly_ as it was planned...
Andreas> :))
Frankly I was hoping to be deluged with replies along the lines of
"we've been doing this for years, here's how...".
I'm pretty sure you could do it with expect and/or perl...
Larry Mulcahy larry@ambient.uucp ambient!
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