MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
Re: Portable source form of MOO database
Overcome by nausea on Mon, 27 Nov 1995 18:35:42 PST, Kipp the Kidd
retched up these words:
>> @create $room called train station,Innsmouth train station drop
>> train station @move me to train station
Kipp> This method should work in theory, but the train station you
Kipp> dropped will be in the room you're in. This is not good if
Kipp> you're doing this in many rooms, because you get into recursive
Kipp> movement problems. Try just @dig 'room name' and then @go
Kipp> <object number>
I'm trying to avoid the use of object numbers, which are assigned
unpredictably by the server. If a objnamed function were possible then
@go objnamed("Train Station Steps")
would do it? In any case only one room would be created this way.
Kipp> You're mixing the code parser with
Kipp> the command parser (perhaps you can explain this better, Pavel)
Kipp> To find out object numbers of objects you've forgotten, type
Kipp> '@audit [<player>]'
One of the questions I was trying to ask is `how do I create user
defined functions? Is it even possible?' I can't seem to find it in
the docs anywhere.
Kipp> Okay, a brief summary that should make this easier... Commands
Kipp> go: <verb>[[ <dobj>][ <prep>[ <iobj>]]] CODE does just about
Kipp> everything else.. (Keep in mind that <function>(<args>) and
Kipp> <OBJ>:<VERB>(<args>) are in code, not commands.)
I just looked to see if there is anything called code or @code (in the
LambdaCore DB)-- nope. Assume I am a rank newbie, how can I define a
Larry Mulcahy larry@ambient.uucp ambient!
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