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Re: -m68020 -fnobitfields != -mcpu32 ?

>>>>> "Timothy" == Timothy Potter <> writes:

    Timothy> Hello again everyone.  I've nearly got my GNU RTEMS m68k
    Timothy> system up and going.  There is one little thing that has
    Timothy> been niggling at me ever since I started.

    Timothy> The Motorola CPU32 is nearly a 68020 lacking only the
    Timothy> bitfield instructions and a couple of addressing modes
    Timothy> (plus a couple of extra instructions).  Gas takes an
    Timothy> option of -mcpu32 but there is no such option for gcc.
    Timothy> The closest I can come up with is -m68020 -fnobitfields.
    Timothy> My question is will these options generate some illegal
    Timothy> code which uses one of the unsupported 68020 addressing
    Timothy> modes on a CPU32?  Or is it all taken care of in the
    Timothy> assembly phase.  (I do have a -Wa,-m68360 flag passed to
    Timothy> the assembler).

    Timothy> I hope someone has the answer to this - you guys have
    Timothy> answered all my questions so far!

    Timothy> Thanks,

    Timothy> Tim Potter.

Try telling gcc to output assembler source code, then assembling it
with the -m68020 -fnobitfields options.  This should flag as errors
any place where the unsupported instructions occurred.  I suspect this
will be relatively infrequent.  You can either patch the assembler
code, of edit the C source to generate different instructions.  I know
it kludgy, but its pragmatic.

--------  "And there came a writing to him from Elijah"  [2Ch 21:12]  --------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.;  37 South Greenwood Avenue;  Palatine, IL 60067-6328
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