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On a slightly different topic:

>In addition to the fact that the LambdaCore doesn't do everything one
>might want it to (though certainly it could do what these builtin functions
>would do), there's also nothing wrong with experimentation (provided
>it isn't just mindless duplication of work already done).

Interesting point... although the point of a core is to be 'generic', and exist
 as a jumping off point for bigger and better things.  A core is just the
 basics -- all the things you think you might need to get a job done.  What
 that job is is not up to the core.  I don't expect the core to do everything
 I want... what would be the fun in that? 
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    /   /  Andy Bakun     _/_      / /  `  /)  /)       _/_
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  How much head could a bonehead bone   />  />
    if a bonehead could bone head?     //  //    </  </  

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