MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
Re: New Wiz needs help - guest creation
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 12:19:55 PDT
From: "Walter A. Aprile" <>
Cc: MOO Cows <>
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In-Reply-To: <Pine.SOL.3.90.950825150042.13E-100000@phosphorus> from "Madhu Rao" at Aug 25, 95 03:05:19 pm
Madhu Rao scribbles :
#I wish not to create guests objects beforehand, but to automatically
#create a guest character when some on types 'connect guest' and define
#max number of guests in $login. So whenever someone connects as guest -
#they get a randomly generated guest character -is that possible
I don't completely understand why you would want to do this - however
if you wand different descs for every guest, and you want them to
change at every connection, you can
- if you really want to create them on the fly, you have to modify
$login:connect - but I most emphatically don't reccomand that.
connect is a bit tricky, and if you place a bug in there, you
can manage to lock yourself (and everybody else) out of the
MOO for good.
Besides, I see no good reason for creating and recycling guests.
What I'd advice you to do, instead, is
- create the maximum number of guests allowed _beforehand_, and
write a $guest:confunc() that changes the description, the name,
and everything you want on the guest
I am cc:ing this to the list, so that if I am saying nonsense
(the chance exists), someone more knowledgeable can stop me.
Omaggi, Walter
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