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Re: verb calling

At 06:11 PM 2/26/96 -0500, you wrote:
>At 06:57 PM 2/25/96 PST, you wrote:
>>>Sorry to bother you all again, but another question came up for me.  I have
>>>a verb that goes along the lines of this (there might be typeos in this and
>>>may not compile, it is just an example)
>>>verbname = "next prev again quit"
>>>text = verb;
>>>and $value will have verbs named "next" "prev" "again" and "quit"
>>>What I want to do, is somehow call one of the verbs on $value by using the
>>>name used to call the first verb.
>>>I know the above example doesn't work, cause I have tried there
>>>anyway to do this?
>>Try putting it in parentheses... $value:(text)().. or you could just skip
>>the first step and use $value:(verb)().. if you also wanted to pass the
>>arguments around you could use $value:(verb)(@args).
>I have done this....I still did not work.  I *thought* that is how you
>called it, but when I compile, it takes the extra ()s out.

Hm I dunno then.. Usually you can call variables like that.. for example if
a is "blah" you can call an object's "blah" verb with object:(a)(@args)...
I'll forward this to MOO-Cows since this seems to have gone just to me,
maybe someone else can figure it out.


>>>Thanks for all your help
>>>Four Seasons MOO
>>>Role Playing Game &
>>>Internet Tutorial

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