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This information is provided by R. J. Brown , aka "Gumbo".
I am not a professional fisherman;
I am a computer consultant
who just likes to fly fish.
How to Become a Sponsor |
Gumbo welcomes sponsors
Your business can be a sponsor of Gumbo's SE WI River Report. You
will be targeting a very specific audience of people -- fishermen and
women that fish the Milwaukee, Root, and Pike rivers, and Oak Creek.
These rivers are situated in Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha,
Wisconsin. These fishermen and women have internet access, which
means they are likely fairly affluent and able to spend more than most
people on fishing gear and accomodations when they go fishing.
Its effective
A single click on your ad banner will take them directly to your web
page, and you know they wanted to go there, because they made the
click voluntarily. With an average click-thru rate of about 1
percent, the ad banners have been directing well over 1 person per day
to each associated web page. This is considerably cheaper than direct
mail. Most direct mailings end up in the trash without ever being
looked at. When the visitor gets to your web page, if you have access
to your web server's log files, then you know he got there from Gumbo's
SE WI River Report. Gumbo also maintains an advertising banner statistics page that shows how
each of the banners have been performing.
How it works
A single advertising banner is displayed in the navigation panel at
the top of the Gumbo's SE WI River Report web page. Clicking on this
banner takes the viewer to a web page associated with the banner.
This banner is changed every 60 seconds. All banners have an equal
likelihood of being displayed. Thus, although the order in which the
banners are displayed is unpredictable, the system gives a fair chance
to all banners. If you want to increase the chances a visitor will
see your banner, you may sponsor with more than one banner, each
charged at the standard rate. These banners may all be different, or
all the same.
What you must provide
Each sponsor must provide a standard 468 by 60 pixel internet
advertising banner and the URL of the web page to send visitors to
when they click on your ad banner. You should email this information
to Gumbo, giving your business
name, phone number, mailing address, and your name as the contact
person. You should include the advertising banner as an attachment in
your email. Don't forget to include the URL of the web page you want
connected with the advertising banner. If you have any questions,
just ask Gumbo.
No ad banner? No web page? No problem!
If your business does not already have an advertising banner, we will
be glad to make one for you for a nominal fee. We really need to talk
on the phone if you want us to do this, as such things are very much a
matter of taste, and we want to make you happy. Likewise, if your
business does not yet have a web page, we can design a web page and
host it for you as well. Again, a phone call is in order so we can
understand what you want and discuss pricing.
Free to non-profits and guides
If you are a non-profit organization that is related to fishing or
conservation, or if you are a fishing guide that works on the
Milwaukee, Root, or Pike rivers, or Oak Creek, then we will be glad to
provide a free advertising banner, and even design one for you for
free. Charter boat services, or party boats that work on Lake
Michigan are not free. If you do not yet have a web page, we can
design one and host it for you, but this will not be free. If you
want us to design a web page or ad banner, please email us with a
phone number and a good time to call, so we can understand your needs
and desires, and discuss pricing if necessary.
Encouraged to apply
Any business that caters to fishermen on these southeastern Wisconsin
tributaries, including fly shops, tackle shops, bait shops, boat
stores, marinas, restaurants, motels, hotels, convenience stores,
etc. are encouraged to become sponsors.
Please do not apply
Gumbo will not accept sponsorship from liquor stores, bars, tap rooms,
cocktail lounges, or any other establishment whose primary business is
alcoholic beverages. Gumbo reserves the right to refuse sponsorship
from any business that he deems detrimental to the clean, wholesome
image of fishing as an activity that the entire family can enjoy.
All sponsorship payments for Gumbo's SE WI River Report shall be made
by means of the PayPal internet
payment system. Payment shall acrue to Elijah Laboratories Inc., the
entity which owns Gumbo's SE WI River Report. Paying sponsors are
charged $1.00 per banner per day (in 30 day increments), plus any
advertising banner design fees or web page design or hosting fees.
These fees vary due to the varying needs of different sponsors.
Payments for design fees are one time charges. Payments for web page
hosting, or advertising banner display are recurring charges. All
recurring charges will be automatically billed to the same account
that the initial payment was made from, until the sponsorship
subscription is manually cancelled, or until it defaults for
So start the process already
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email Gumbo with your organization's name
and address, and your name and a phone number where you can be
reached. If possible, include your add banner and the URL of your web
page. As soon as your material has been reviewed, or we have spoken
by phone and determined your ad banner and web page URL, you will be
sent an email explaining the payment process. Once you have paid for
the initial 30 days, your advertising banner will start to be
displayed on Gumbo's SE WI River Report.
Neither Gumbo nor Elijah Laboratories Inc. can be held responsible for
problems with the internet. If we are unable to serve your ad banner
for more than 12 hours for reasons that we know to be our fault, such
as our server being down, then we will not charge you for that day.
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© 2002 Elijah Laboratories Inc.
Web page design by Robert J. Brown. Last modified: Sat Mar 16 14:02:02 CST 2002 |
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