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Carry the Load

Consider a truck carrying a load up a grade. It takes power to get the load up the hill. What is power?

Power is work done in time; work requires force, and force tends to produce a change. If no change is produced, then no work is done, and there is no power.

A powerful engine can get the load up the hill on time. A less powerful one would be too slow. One with even less power would not make it at all. It would still exert a force, but the force would not be able to do the work.

If the work is not done by the time it is needed, it may as well not be done at all. If the load doesn't get to the top of the hill on time, it won't do any good to get it there late.

I'm here to tell you tonight that Jesus is right on time! 2000 years ago, he carried the load of our sins to the top of Golgotha hill. He had no sin of his own, but he was so burdened with our sins that he had someone else carry his cross for him. He carried nothing else but our sins to the top of that hill.

Jesus had the power to do what no one else could do. He accomplished the work he came to do.

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Robert J. Brown