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RTEMS questions

I have some questions about my first RTEMS application.

My new board is now up and running. Its a 68332 with 256K fast SRAM. 
RTEMS is working, I'm using a trivially modified version of John 
S Gwynne's EFI332 port. I can run most of the samples, which is 
reasuring, and have stand-alone programs to talk to some of my 

So, my questions are:

1) where do I start writing RTEMS device drivers? (!)
I have an idea what I'd like them to do, but where do I register the 
device numbers, and what are 'good' numbers to use? If anyone has any 
sample code (for a dummy driver?) then that would be great, but 
probably too much to expect.

2) what to I need to do to get C++ support going. I've turned on support in 
the .cfg file, the cdtest compiles, but bombs out straight away when 
the program runs. I can run c++ programs OK stand-alone.

Thanks in advance for any advice, and to the RTEMS people at 
Redstone, the EFI people, the FSF etc, etc (and anyone else who knows 
me, as they say in phone-in chat shows over here). 


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