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Re: ident problems using gnu tools

In article <534gad$>, says...
>Also, a good compiler will notice that rcsid is static, and not used,
>and give you a warning that you probably don't want to be bothered with.
>Furthermore, such nonsense in a header file simply will not work (#ident
>works fine) and even if it did the memory consumption in the loaded image
>would be impractically high.

In the few projects where I have done this, I chose this approach:-

/* foo.c */

#ifndef INC_FOO_H
#define INC_FOO_H "$Id"
 /* header file contents */

/* version.c */
#include /* all the header files */
static conct char ver_info[] = 
/* ... */

James Youngman       VG Gas Analysis Systems |The trouble with the rat-race 
 Before sending advertising material, read   |is, even if you win, you're|still a rat.

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