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Re: ident problems using gnu tools

In message <>,   you write:
>>>>>> "Marty" == Marty Leisner <> writes:
>    Marty> marty
>The trouble with this approach is that lots of small modules tends to
>eat up a lot of ROM just for the ident strings.  Furthermore, you may
>not want to ship this information in the ROM so the customer (or the
>enemy, if he captures your equipment) can see it.  Also, if you put a
>#ident in every source file, then each *.h file has one too, and that
>could really start to add up if you did it with char literals in the
>rom image.  With a real #ident, this info is only in the object file,
>not the rom image.

The problem is #ident is not ANSI C.

One of the things I want to do is have the C compiler add a comment
detailing its command line arguments.
I find the biggest problem is not knowing how a module was compiled
(this sounds like a fairly easy extension).

I take it .ident are stripped?

One thing we find important is having what strings embedded in our software,
so we can have some clue to what's going on with released software.  We
wrap strings with

#ifndef NO_SCCSID
sccs id string

Then you can make the software with or without ID strings...but
the "sometimes we want ID strings" can be a problem.  

I suppose it would be relatively straightforward to add an ident extension
to gcc...then have a -fuse-ident?


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