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Re: ident problems using gnu tools

In message <>,   you write:
>I seem to be having problems when trying to find what makes up an executable
>using the "what" command. It looks like the gnu assembler and linker don't 
>keep the .ident portion in the executable.
>This is using gcc- and binutils 2.5.2. I have tried this as a native
>on Sunos4.1.3 and as a cross to m68k-coff, both strip out ident messages.
>It seems to work if I use the native linker and assembler, but I would really
>like to use the GNU binutils, and in the case of cross-development need to
>use them. Are there any tricks to get as and ld to keep the .ident strings

Is an ident string from the
non-ansi nonsense?

just put in your source files:

static char rcsid[] = "$Id$"


static char sccsid[] = "%W% %G% %U%"

or whathaveyou for your source ontrol.


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