I Like this Approach...

"Tyler G. Nally" (tnally@csci.csc.com)
Thu, 28 Sep 1995 19:38:20 -0500

MBlume spake thusly:

* He said he spoke to a trinitarian who did not believe in baptism as a
* necessity nor the Holy Ghost baptism.  Bro. Davis said, "If you were
* Peter on the day of Pentecost, and the people asked you, 'What must we
* do?' you would not answer them in the manner Peter did, would you.
* You don't believe what Peter said."

This approach is "offensive" (as opposed to defensive).  Seems like, 
since the word *lives*, don't worry so much about defending the word
or what you believe.  Make others answer questions directed to them
and making them answer their own questions.  

Though it's fun to have a great oratory sometimes.  It's sometimes best to
strategically be on the "offensive" side and turn the tables around.

Bro. Tyler
     __     Bro. Tyler Nally On-Line Oneness Apostolic                  __    
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 |___  ___| tnally@csci.csc.com    (when working)                   |___  ___|
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    |  |    http://www.prairienet.org/~tgnally (my personal homepage)  |  |   
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