Somebody filled with the Holy Ghost while on IRC!

Andrew E Engle (
Wed, 27 Sep 1995 01:41:28 -0500


Greetings in Jesus name!

As you can see from the subject, someone was (re)filled with the Holy 
Ghost while on the IRC talk channel New-wine!

Last night about 12:00 or so I stopped by channel Apostolic, but nobody was 
on. I really wanted to talk to some other saints, so I went to channel 
new-wine. There was a guy there who mentioned that he was lost 
and wanted to be re-filled with the Holy Ghost! So, I told him to stop 
typing and raise his hands and repeat the prayer that I was typing for him. 

Pretty soon after that, he started typing again. When I asked him if he 
spoke in tongues, he replied that it flowed like a river! Isn't that 
awesome? I was so glad I just about called my mother! I just praise God that 
He used me in such an interesting environment as the Internet to reach 
someone! Hallelujah!

Anyway, the brother's name is John. He is from Bedford, Indiana, and I 
suspect he will probably be joining Higher-Fire, so you all will be able to 
communicate with him too! Also, please keep John in your prayers. He is 
going through some valleys right now and he needs your prayers! He has 
complete faith and trust in God, but he is still a little weak. But with 
our prayers and support, He indeed *will* be victorious!

So rejoice! Another lost soul has been added to the Lamb's Book of Life!
Praise God for His love and mercy, His faithfulness and grace! He is a 

The Lord bless you all in Jesus' precious name!


Andy Engle
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

The Lord Bless You!

   24  The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
   25  The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
   26  The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

						Numbers 6: 24-26