Spanking of children

Stan Hallett (
Mon, 25 Sep 1995 07:57:47 -0500 (CDT)

>	I would have to agree that since the new testament is only a 
>*Complementary* section of the bible, and no replacement was made on
>how we raise our children - that God would still expect us to chastise
>them as they did in the olden days.
>	My daughter, age 4, gets spanked but only when she of her own
>will refuses to head the warnings (many) of her father and mother.  The
>difference in a beating and a spanking is that she is then taken aside 
>and explained to why she got a spanking and exactly what was wrong.
>I don't condone (sp?) beatings because I do believe that that would
>provoke a child to anger.

Thank you for your response.  I understand why you believe what you do, and
would have to agree that it probably is correct biblically.

I'm assuming that you meant to say "when she refuses to heed the warnings".
I believe that I am truly fortunate that I generally only have to speak
once.  If ever I speak a second time it usually is sufficient.  Just blessed
I guess.

Stan Hallett
Camden, Maine