Spanking of children

Stan Hallett (
Mon, 25 Sep 1995 05:01:36 -0500 (CDT)

>MS>>You will find if you look in the book of Hebrews a long discourse by Paul
>MS>>on chastizement. It is certainly the responsibility of the parent to 
>MS>>properly discipline a child. The child who is not appropriately punished
>MS>>for wrongdoing is considered an illegitimate child by Paul.  His concept
>MS>>of chastizement would be what was set forth under the law.
>Stan>I will look for this.  Should I not find the scripture you speak of could
>Stan>you tell me where in Hebrews it is?
>Hebrews 12:4-12

I read this this evening.  This is not to rebuke what you believe, but to
question it. My mind does not make a definite connection between
chastisement and spanking.

>Modern thinking wants us to reason with our children instead of enforcing
>parameters of obedience. Positive redirection and other such concepts are
>no substitute for sound bible based training procedure.  The influence of
>Spock has revolutionized child rearing in this country but not for the

Interesting that you should mention Dr. Spock. He lives in the small coastal
town in which I live.

>I fear for you and your desire to throw away large portions of the bible.
>Our very faith in Christ is securely founded in the law. 

You misjudge me, I throw away nothing. I only asked in my original message
what others thought on this.  I reason (and it has yet to be proved
otherwise) that perhaps it had something to do with grace.  If we are now
under grace should not our children be also?  On the other hand; Should I
spank my children when they are obedient? Am I not the parent that has rule
in my house to decide what is and what is not right? As for the "Law", which
commandment was it that tells me that I must beat my children when they
misbehave? I do not spank my children, largely because I never had the
belief that it was required.  

This again is meant only as a discussion, hoping that I now don't receive
any of the condemnation from others that I've suffered in recent history.
In the final analysis I don't believe it will change ones salvation
regardless of your beliefs on this issue.

Stan Hallett
Camden, Maine