Richard Masoner (
Sat, 23 Sep 1995 02:42:13 -0500 (CDT)

> irc.  Maybee I should have browsed the IRC man page to refresh my
> memory...

bailiwick[/export/home/richardm]$ irc -help                    
Usage: irc [switches] [nickname] [server list] 
  The [nickname] can be at most 9 characters long
  The [server list] is a whitespace separate list of server name
  The [switches] may be any or all of the following
   -c <channel> joins <channel> o startup
   -p <port>    default server connection port (usually 6667)
   -f           your terminal uses flow controls (^S/^Q), so IRCII shouldn't
   -F           your terminal doesn't use flow control (default)
   -s           don't use separate server processes (ircserv)
   -S           use separate server processes (ircserv)
   -d           runs IRCII in "dumb" terminal mode
   -q           does not load .ircrc
   -a           adds default servers and command line servers to server list
   -l <file>    loads <file> in place of your .ircrc
   -L <file>    loads <file> in place of your .ircrc and expands $ expandos


I do this to start my IRC session:

$ irc -c \#Apostolic Fritz


There seems to be people hangin' out there about 9 a.m. Central Time
during the week.
