The Great Mail Alias Name Contest
turquoyz (
Fri, 22 Sep 1995 05:21:18 -0500 (CDT)
Bro. Masoner:
Some E-Mail software for listservers filters out their own mail. He might
check his configuration of his E-Mail software.
Just a thought... seen his comments often about not getting the echo...
Warm Regards,
Bro. Williams
>[I'm sending this response to the list and Cc'ing Kenneth Wilson directly.]
>Kenneth Wilson wrote:
>> How come my mail is either never posted...
>Did you see your question being posted? I have seen a few of your
>messages here, and I've not received any indication that they're
>being dropped.
>It's quite possible that something is set up so that you just
>don't see your own messages, though I don't know why you wouldn't
>see all of them.
>> ...or late being posted?
>*All* mail is late being posted. It's a function of the list software
>on Prairienet -- it only runs during certain portions of the day.