Prophecy Fulfilled...Already???

Michael Mills (
Tue, 19 Sep 1995 23:45:28 -0500

OEystein commented recently...

>I can also recommend another book that is especially 
>detailed about "the signs of his coming". It is called "The Sign of
>the Last Days - When?", written by Carl Olof Jonsson. It shows
>scientificly and clearly that the signs of his coming Jesus told us
>about, are *not* in this generation. In today's media we are flooded
>by bad news, but it was not better in the former years.  For example:
>proportinally we have less famine now than in former generations, and
>we don't have more earthquakes.

>In 1850 the murder rate in Los Angeles was 440 per 100.000 population

>Today the average murder rate in US is 7.9 - Detroit has the highest
>of 39.

>Things are actually getting better - even in the US! :-)

I was casually listening to a denominal preacher on the radio the 
other day on the way home from church (I hate when music isn't playing!).
He was talking about "the last days".  He stated that there have been
more martyrs for Christ in this century alone (worldwide) than all previous
centuries *combined*, including the turbulent first century!!! His sources???
I didn't catch them.  :(

Aside:  He also, at great length, discussed the general *unbelief* of so-called 
Christian ministers in this day, i.e. the percentage of Methodist, Lutheran, 
Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc. *MINISTERS* who *did not believe* 
in a wide array of biblical occurrences such as miracles, immacculate 
conception, diety of Christ, second advent of Christ, authority of the 
Bible, etc, etc. The figures were ASTOUNDING!!! No wonder the widespread
disinterest in "Christianity" (especially here in New York)! I did catch
some of his sources here---I'm going to track them down and share them
with the group.  (Note: I gather the speaker's point here was the reality of a
"last days `falling away` ".)

Bro Mike Mills