Misc Mailing List is Back

Eugene Leitl (Eugene.Leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 19:59:04 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Wayne Morellini wrote:

> Penio Penev <penev@venezia.rockefeller.edu> wrote:
> > ...
> Well the amount of traffic has been almost minimal since about this time
> last year.  I'm surprised there are that many people on the list, I thought

Traffic? Which traffic?

> the list must have been dead from lack of interest.  I mean I have a number
> of times quieried misc-request to see if it was still up, or that I had been
> acidentally de-registered by the system due to no traffic.

This is what I also thought.

> So to spark some interest it would help if we got regular updates from the
> people behind the processors p21, F-21, I21 (Yes I still know how to get to

Indeed. I also, happen to be somewhat bitter about this lamentable lack 
of information on chip progress. I mean: FORTH is pretty exotic already, 
must this be further aggravated by lack of user support? With virtually 
no data sheets I can live with. But relying on on a single source, with 
no detailed information nor progress info forthcoming, while in dire need to 
choose a reliable hardware platform to develop a product? Scusi, but I am 
not mad. If this goes on for some more time, I have to choose an 
off-shelf embedded controller. My financers won't wait much longer.

This will exclude the Forth option, but it will keept the product alive.

> the page with I21 press release on Jeffs Web site that says it will be
> available for licencing etc, despite the denial of ITV when I enquired,

I think i21 won't, but F21 will (provided, I'll ever live to see it).

> despite Jeff removing the new pages a day or two after I origionally saw
> them), and THE 32-BIT P32.  Announcements of products would be good too.

Seconded fully.

Eugene Leitl
> Wayne Morellini
> waynem1@cq-pan.cqu.edu.au
> -- 

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