Porting gcc
Paul E. Bennett (peb@transcontech.co.uk)
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 21:13:01 GMT
In message <19980123141038.13584.qmail@hotmail.com> "Sean Vincent" writes:
> >Been thinking about having a deeper look at this (as usual, when I get
> >some free time... :) in particular for the F21. If this is grandmother
> >and egg-sucking time, my apologies, just getting into MISC. Any road
> >up, this port sounds blobby interesting, any chance of any info on
> >how/what you're doing - don't know if I can help but I fancy getting
> >my hands dirty on something like this.
> >Have fun
> >
> Personally, I've been subscribed to the list for a couple of months, and
> I understand very little of what is discussed. I'm hoping to learn
> through osmosis. I wish I had some time to experiment with this stuff.
> Has anyone considered creating web tutorials? You know, interactive,
> with pictures and stuff? I guess someone would have to have a lot of
> free time on their hands to create them.
There is probably a good starting point in the articles I wrote for
Forthwrite (the UK magazine) which was put together and edited from
material Jeff Fox provided. I think that I have the files around
somewhere still and will dig them out of the archives if you want them to
enable a start to be made. Alternatively, Jeff may have something on his
web site (you can get there through the Forth links on my site).
Paul E. Bennett ................... <peb@transcontech.co.uk>
Transport Control Technology Ltd. <http://www.tcontec.demon.co.uk/>
+44 (0)117-9499861 <enquiry@transcontech.co.uk>
Going Forth Safely