Porting gcc
Mark Walker (mwalker@illusion.eece.unm.edu)
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:21:20 -0400
>I have just begun to port gcc to output forth binaries.
>The plan isn't to have gcc on the MISC chip itself (yet), but to be able to
>create Forth binaries throuch C on the computer, and be able to transfer
>them to the MISC system.
Are you planning to incorporate your work into the existing body of
cross-compilation (xgcc) facilities for gcc?
Mark Walker UNM/EECE, 7-3688, mwalker@eece.unm.edu
"An operating system without virtual memory, is an operating
system without virtue."
-- Ancient Inca Proverb
(As retold by Valentin Pepelea <valentin@netcom.com>)