Porting gcc

John Griessen (g@cibolo.com)
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 21:27:23 -0600

Are you wanting to port tcp-ip functions?


Austin TX

At 08:14 PM 1/21/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I have just begun to port gcc to output forth binaries. What I am
>wondering is if anyone out there would like to help me code some assembly
>routines for certain c functions.
>The plan isn't to have gcc on the MISC chip itself (yet), but to be able to
>create Forth binaries throuch C on the computer, and be able to transfer
>them to the MISC system.
> ----------------------------------------------
>|   Joseph M. Gaffney   |
>| Efnet: rm-rf - gaffney@thethinker.com  |
>| http://www.thethinker.com/members/gaffney/ |
> ----------------------------------------------
