Failed Fax Receiving

Gert Doering (
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 20:07:19 +0100


On Fri, Oct 30, 1998 at 08:18:37AM +0100, Micha Holzmann wrote:
> An incoming fax transmission failed (+FHNG: -1):

Not good. Let's see what the log file says.

> yS1  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.16-Jul05
> yS1  check for lockfiles

Uh.  Please do NOT remove the time stamp - to diagnose certain timing
issues, it's very important to see the time in the log file lines.

> yS1  mdm_send: 'ATI'
> yS1  unknown numerical modem id 140

What kind of modem is that?  Could you please send me the output
of "mid ttyS1" ("mid" can be found in mgetty/tools/mid), or manually
the output of all ATI, ATI1, ATI2, ... ATI10 commands?.

> yS1  transmission par.: '+FCS:0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'** found **
> yS1  mdm_send: 'AT+FLO=2' -> OK
> yS1  fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
> yS1  fax_wait_for(CONNECT)** found **
> yS1  fax_get_page_data: receiving
> /var/spool/fax/incoming/fn62d792dS1-_+49-7231- 970711-_.01... yS1 

Up to this place, everything looks fine.

> timeout... yS1  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system call
> yS1  fax_get_page_data: cannot read from port (1)!: Interrupted system
> call yS1  fax_get_page_data: page end, bytes received: 22426 yS1 

But then, data stops coming in.  Could you look at the modem lights
and the log file ("tail -f logfile") in parallel, to see whether you
can see a certain pattern to it? OH LED going off, or something like

Does it happen every time, or only sometimes?

Do you have the very latest modem firmware from ELSA?

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-35655025