init sequence mgetty
Gert Doering (
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:14:56 +0200
On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 12:39:46AM +0200, darkstar wrote:
> how can I change the init sequence that is send to the modem.
Read the manual: mgetty.config, init-chat "" ATS0=1 OK
(this is the second time that you have asked very obvious questions that
show that you didn't bother to read the docs. This will also be the last
time that I answer on one of them.
A thing that is non-obvious, but also covered in the manual: if you have
to run with ATS0=1, you MUST set "rings 10" or so -- something very much
higher than the ATS0=... number. Why? Because every incoming call will
fail if mgetty sends an ATA in the same moment that the modem decides to
auto-answer (it will answer, and hang up immediately again).
> I MUST send ATS0=1 so that my modem is in autorespond mode.
I don't believe this - why is this a "MUST"? Usually it's a very bad
If you have a BZT-approved modem that does not accept ATA (not even after
RING), you could use an "answer-chat" with ATS0=1 instead of ATA -- that
way, ATS0=1 is only set if you really want to pick up the phone.
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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025