OFF TOPIC...But may be of interest to all wanting access (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 11:02:47 +0200

!!! Unlimited Access To ALL News Groups !!!

If you are a member of such services as AOL, Prodigy 
or Compuserve, I'm sure you have run into the fact that 
these services, as well as many other servers, DO NOT offer 
you the ability to access ALL the available Newsgroups. (Last 
count was somewhere over 30,000 !!!) And I'm also sure you 
have noticed that, of the Newsgroups they DO allow you to 
access, some if not all are censored in some way leaving you 
frustrated that someone else is telling you what you can and 
cannot access on the Web.

Well, that is about to change !!!!

NOW you can have UNLIMITED, UNCENSORED access 
TO ALL NEWS GROUPS without having to change servers or 
pay rediculous high monthly rates!!!


The latest technology for TOTALLY ANONYMOUS Posting, 
E-mailing and Web Surfing....
even with AOL!!!

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