unmotivated hang-ups with vgetty

Michael Witschke (michael.witschke@mail.whm.tu-harburg.de)
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 18:50:02 +0200

"Kingsley G. Morse Jr." <change@nas.com> writes:

> Unmotivated hang-ups have been my worst problem. In fact, I recently
> stopped using vgetty because it was spontaneously hanging up on callers. I
> was getting short messages where callers' messages were cut off after, oh,
> say, only 3 seconds.

For me it's not working that bad and it's not happening all the 
time. Some callers can say what they have to say while others
only have 30 to 40 seconds to finish their messages.
Michael Witschke          ***  Dormitory Network Administration ***
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