USR Message +?

Ulf Steinberg (
Sat, 3 Oct 1998 09:28:44 +0200

Gert Doering <> schrieb:
> If you understood Free Software, you would share the solution now.
Your point. Here's an possible entry for the modems.db

Modem brand/model:     USRobotics Sportster Message Plus
AT+FMFR?               ???
AT+FMDL?               ???
AT+FREV?               ???
ATI0                   5601
ATI1                   5D48
ATI4 U.S. Robotics 56K Message Settings...

     B0  E1  F1  L1  M1  Q0  V1  X4  Y0
     BAUD=115200  PARITY=N  WORDLEN=8

Configuration Profile...

Product type           Germany External
Product ID:            02206800
Options                V32bis,V.34+,x2,V.90
Fax Options            Class 1/Class 2.0
Voice Options          Speaker Phone, TAD
Clock Freq             92.0Mhz
EPROM                  256k
RAM                    32k

FLASH date             2/24/98
FLASH rev              12.1.14

DSP date               2/24/98
DSP rev                12.1.14

tested on:              Linux (SuSE 5.2)
                        Kernel 2.0.33
working:                sendfax, mgetty, vgetty

remarks:		Fax polling isn't working (due to the modem.)

thanksto:		Michael Witschke

Defines in policy.h
#define MODEM_INIT_STRING "AT+MCS=0S0=0Q0&D3&C1" //To turn of the local mode
#define FAX_USRobotics //respectively modem-quirks 0x20 (Error +FHS:25...)

Ulf Steinberg
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