Response from USR to "Sportster +FHS:25 problem"
Gert Doering (
Sat, 3 Oct 1998 00:52:56 +0200
On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 11:11:32PM +0200, Kurt Garloff wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 10:06:01PM +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> > comment from USR/3com (truncated to hide a few things that might be NDA).
> Maybe I'm not used enough to reading those kind of email, but it's hard to
> even see that they admit there's a bug. It could also be interpreted as
> ,,hey, you stupid people, fix your software!`` No statement that their
> firmware will be fixed.
There are some more comments in the original mail that *could* be
interpreted as "we have fixed a similar 'issue' in a different product".
I did not forward this as part of my work with USR involves a
non-disclosure agreement, and I'm afraid that those parts could fall
under it. (Programming info doesn't, but data about new products /
new beta versions does).
I'm not really sure whether they acknowledge this as a 'problem', but I
think so.
> Grrr! What a stupid attitude.
Don't be too negative. Actually, it's not too bad.
> They will never reach the quality of free software!
This might be true. If I could look at the source, I could have sent them
a patch :-) -- that way, I had to talk my way through two levels of "I
cannot reproduce this, why are you using a non-german firmware anyway?"
> (And to conclude: Anybody who wants to buy a Modem should rather something
> else, like Elsa (I don't know about their modem support, but their driver
> and firmware support for VGA is really good) or ... )
I disagree. Elsa's modems are good, but their fax part isn't perfect
either, and I haven't been to lucky talking to their support so far about
it (it sometimes just fails at connection setup with +FHNG:70 with no
apparent reason).
The USR Couriers are, except for one small issue, *VERY* good fax
modems, and they are *VERY* reliable for mass faxing (>1000 faxes a day,
distributed over 5 Couriers, at a customer's site). I am on USR's beta
test list, and I expect the last remaining problems to be ironed out soon.
The USR Sportsters are a differnet issue -- they seem to be designed for
the mass market - those people that buy Rockwell modems - and they are not
really "grown up" yet. Quite good for data, actually, but many stupid
things remaining in the fax firmware.
> > Could all of you who have been bitten by USR Sportsters and +FHS:25
> > (or +FHS:27) error codes please test "modem-quirks 0x20" will fix this and
> > report to me or to the list?
> Well, I had a workaround (+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,5) which worked for me and I
> will now try (+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,) as suggested by USR/3Com. I have not the
> slightest doubt, that modem-quirks MQ_USR_FMINSP will work, too.
Please try anyway. Then I can add this to the mgetty docs, so further
users won't have to patch or experiment...
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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025