Response from USR to "Sportster +FHS:25 problem"

Kurt Garloff (
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 23:11:32 +0200

On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 10:06:01PM +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> comment from USR/3com (truncated to hide a few things that might be NDA).
> ----- Forwarded message -----
> The trouble came from the fact that the modem does not negociate properly
> the scan line time buffering when it is SPECIFIED in the +FCC command. In
> this particular session below the string
> 09/24 12:25:16 yS3  mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=0,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> should not specify the ST parameter, hence should appear like :
> 09/24 12:25:16 yS3  mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=0,5,0,2,0,0,0,'
> When done this way, the modem should negociate the scan line time
> correctly.
> ----- End forwarded message -----

Maybe I'm not used enough to reading those kind of email, but it's hard to
even see that they admit there's a bug. It could also be interpreted as
,,hey, you stupid people, fix your software!`` No statement that their
firmware will be fixed.
Grrr! What a stupid attitude. 
They will never reach the quality of free software!

(And to conclude: Anybody who wants to buy a Modem should rather something
else, like Elsa (I don't know about their modem support, but their driver
and firmware support for VGA is really good) or ... )

> I flatly refuse, though, to add this workaround to my code -- I think it's
> broken.

Of course. I agree fully.

> On the other hand, there already IS a workaround for USR-misinterpretations 
> of AT+FCC parameters, #define FAX_USRobotics.  It does even more, that
> is, specify nothing but the first "0" (or 1) of AT+FCC, so should help
> here as well.
> Since about 1.1.17 or so, FAX_USRobotics has completely disappeared, and 
> you can set it at run-time by setting "modem-quirks 0x20" in
> sendfax.config.
> Could all of you who have been bitten by USR Sportsters and +FHS:25
> (or +FHS:27) error codes please test "modem-quirks 0x20" will fix this and
> report to me or to the list?

Well, I had a workaround (+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,5) which worked for me and I
will now try (+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,) as suggested by USR/3Com. I have not the
slightest doubt, that modem-quirks MQ_USR_FMINSP will work, too.

Thanks for posting the message. 

Kurt Garloff, Dortmund 
PGP key on
The following is a Python RSA implementation. According to the US Government
posting these four lines makes me an international arms trafficker!  Join me
in civil disobedience; add these lines of code to your .sig block to help get
this stupid and unconstitutional law changed.
from sys import*;from string import*;a=argv;[s,p,q]=filter(lambda x:x[:1]!=
'-',a);d='-d'in a;e,n=atol(p,16),atol(q,16);l=(len(q)+1)/2;o,inb=l-d,l-1+d
while;s and map(stdout.write,map(lambda i,b=pow(reduce(
lambda x,y:(x<<8L)+y,map(ord,s)),e,n):chr(b>>8*i&255),range(o-1,-1,-1)))