Accidental SUBSCIBE

Post (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 13:28:55 GMT

 Hi Gert,
 I'm one you could considered a newbie, I guess everybody was one at
some point :-)
 Personally I don't care about blinking images or whatever flashy stuff,
 but a search engine in the archives of the list would be greatly
appreciated! I'm having a problem right now and it's not easy to try to
find answers having to look at every title that might be related on my

Since this is my first post on your list I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for keeping developments on what I considered
a master piece.

You and Mark are doing a great job, again THANK YOU!
-> I will think about restructuring the web page, though.  Right now it's
-> not usable for total newbies (not enough blinking and flashing images,
-> no "send pics" button, etc.)