vgetty problem: Motorola VoiceSurfer specific?
Gert Doering (
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:56:42 +0200
On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 07:19:26PM +0000, Nikolai V. wrote:
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell: CARRIER 300
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem vgetty: Invalid modem answer
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell: PROTOCOL: NONE
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell: CONNECT 57600
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell: CONNECT
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell: [08][00][04][00][04][00][04][00][08][00]
> 04/21 11:05:46 dem Rockwell:
Actually, this doesn't sound too bad, except that your modem decided that
whatever is out there is a "300 baud caller, with no error control".
To avoid problems like this, set up your modem that it will always do an
error-corrected connection (no idea what the command for that is on
Rockwell modems, maybe something like AT&K4 or so - see the modem manual),
so it will report NO CARRIER here.
Also, make sure the modem is set to hang up if DTR drops (AT&D2),
otherwise it might get stuck and won't come back to command mode.
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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025