Transmission error: +FHNG:-5 (Unexpected hangup...

Chris Worley (
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:22:32 -0700

Gert Doering wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 04:36:34PM -0700, Chris Worley wrote:
> > 22.04.99 16:18 -> Error transmitting or polling page(s) failed (Status
> > 12)
> Please send a *useful* log file.  This is what I already know ("it doesn't
> work").  Show everything from the "--" line to the "####" line of one
> outgoing fax, having "debug 5" in sendfax.config.

Thanks for taking a look at this.  I've also found out that the "fax
machine" I'm talking to is a modem also, and I'm beginning to believe it
may be a problem on their side (even if they say they can receive faxes



04/23 12:16:46  sendfax: experimental test release 1.1.8-Jul27
04/23 12:16:46   sendfax.c compiled at Sep  7 1998, 19:09:28
04/23 12:16:46  sending fax to 3590904
04/23 12:16:46  checking f1.g3
04/23 12:16:46  checking f2.g3
04/23 12:16:46  checking f3.g3
04/23 12:16:46   makelock(ttyS0) called
04/23 12:16:46   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
04/23 12:16:46   lock made
04/23 12:16:46   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
04/23 12:16:46   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   fax_open_device succeeded, ttyS0 -> 4
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   reading specific data for port 'ttyS0'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config...
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'verbose y'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'debug 5'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'fax-devices ttyS0'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'fax-id 801 277 9792'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'dial-prefix ATD'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'max-tries 3'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'max-tries-continue y'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'ignore-carrier yes'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   conf lib: read: 'debug 5'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'fax-devices', type=1, flags=4, data=(ignored)
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'modem-init', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'modem-handshake', type=1, flags=0,
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'max-tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'max-tries-continue', type=3, flags=3,
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'speed', type=0, flags=1, data=38400
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'dial-prefix', type=1, flags=3, data=ATD
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=801 277 9792
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'poll-dir', type=1, flags=1, data=.
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'normal-res', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'debug', type=0, flags=3, data=5
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'verbose', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: 'page-header', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   key: '', type=1, flags=1, data=
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  fax_send: 'ATV1Q0'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  fax_wait_for(OK)
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'ATV1Q0'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  mdm_send: 'ATI'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   mdm_gis: string 1: '5607'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   mdm_identify: string '5607'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  USR Courier/Sportster 56k detected
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  mdm_send: 'ATI3'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0   mdm_gis: string 1: 'USRobotics Courier
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  additional info: 'USRobotics Courier V.Everything'
04/23 12:16:46 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="801 277 9792"'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FLI="801 277 9792"'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FBO=0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT+FLO=2'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'AT+FLO=2'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  fax_send: 'ATD3590904'
04/23 12:16:47 yS0  fax_wait_for(OK)
04/23 12:16:47 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'ATD3590904'
04/23 12:17:10 yS0   fax_wait_for: string '+FCO'
04/23 12:17:11 yS0   fax_wait_for: string '+FCI:"801 359 0904        "'
04/23 12:17:11 yS0  fax_id: '+FCI:"801 359 0904        "'
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   fax_wait_for: string '+FIS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
04/23 12:17:12 yS0  sendfax: IGNORE DCD (carrier) status
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   fax_send_page("f1.g3") started...
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
04/23 12:17:12 yS0  fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
04/23 12:17:12 yS0  fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'AT+FDT'
04/23 12:17:12 yS0   fax_wait_for: string '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
04/23 12:17:12 yS0  transmission par.: '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
04/23 12:17:19 yS0   fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
04/23 12:17:19 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
04/23 12:17:19 yS0  sending f1.g3...
04/23 12:17:22 yS0  page complete, 12591 bytes sent
04/23 12:17:22 yS0  sending DLE ','
04/23 12:18:02 yS0  connection hangup: '+FHS:02'
04/23 12:18:02 yS0   (Call aborted, from +FK or AN)
04/23 12:18:02 yS0  got response: 'OK'
04/23 12:18:02 ##### failed transmitting f1.g3: phone="3590904",
+FHS:02, dev=tt
yS0, time=75s, acct=""