New modem
Niels Basjes (
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 21:23:04 GMT
The life form known as (Forrest Aldrich) wrote:
>Has anyone used the new 3com US Robotics 56k Voice Faxmodem Pro
>with vgetty successfully?
I have the USRobotics Sportster Flash but I thinks that is a very similar
modem as you have. I have it running perfectly here.
I had to apply a patch to fix a problem that made the modem hangup after
having played about one second of the greeting message.
I don't know if the maintainers of vgetty are going to include my patch but
you can still find it on my homepage.
ir. Niels Basjes -- ICQ# 9012768 -- PGP Key ID=0xE7BBF6B9
mailto:`echo 'Niels Basjes'|awk '{print$1"@"$2".nl"}'`
"The box said: 'install on Windows 95, NT 4.0 or better'. So I installed it on Linux."