Sending fax produces FHS:20 Error
Gert Doering (
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 01:45:22 +0200
On Sat, Apr 10, 1999 at 10:03:14PM +0200, Reiner Buehl wrote:
> when sending fax to certain machines I get very suspicios errors.
> I get "unspecified Transmit Phase B" errors. This happens only with
> certain receiving numbers, most transmissions are o.k. I use mgetty
> version 1.1.19 on a linux system (Kernel 2.2.3) with a ELSA Microlink
> TQV 28.8 Modem.
Which firmware version is this?
Ah, I can see this from the logs..
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: '282'
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 mdm_identify: string '282'
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 ELSA MicroLink 28.8 TQV detected
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI3'
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'Ver. 1.10 vom 19.09.95'
> 04/10 20:03:16 yS1 additional info: 'Ver. 1.10 vom 19.09.95'
This firmware is OLD. I'd try to get a more recent one - they have
improved quite a lot in this section, and I'm pretty sure that it should
help here. (Contact ELSA support about this, and if that doesn't help,
contact me again).
What's going on is that your modem and the receiving side can't make
contact - that's on a very low level that mgetty has only little influence
on, so there's really nothing you can do (except try "max-fax-speed 9600"
or even less, but that only very seldom helps).
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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025