Answ.Mach.Construction Kit

Niels Basjes (
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 12:39:46 GMT

[Replied using News and Mail]
The life form known as Bjoern Giesler
<> wrote:

>would anyone be interested in an answering machine / voice mail system
>construction kit? 

Yes, that would absolutely be a good idea.

>I'm thinking of something that uses a hierarchical
>graph of nodes (actions) and edges (events) so that you could draw
>something like this:

I like the idea of being able to draw the system on the screen. What I
don't like is the idea of making it an hierarchical graph. I think that
something in terms of a state transition model would be more flexible and
more generic. If you force that the programmer defines all possible
transitions from each state it will be easier to understand what the system
is doing.

If you do something like this try to make sure you make it as abstract as
possible. With this I mean that if I would like to use your drawing tool
for something else than a voicemail system I can do that without out any

>I'm looking for a project to learn Python on, so this would be
>Python/Tk. However, it looks like a lot of work, so I'll only do it if
>enough people are interested in something like this. If you are, please
>mail me.

I'm definatly interested.


ir. Niels Basjes -- ICQ# 9012768 -- PGP Key ID=0xE7BBF6B9
mailto:`echo 'Niels Basjes'|awk '{print$1"@"$2".nl"}'` 
"The box said: 'install on Windows 95, NT 4.0 or better'. So I installed it on Linux."