german characters with faxspool ? how ?
Gert Doering (
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 23:11:14 +0200
On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 03:24:24PM +0000, Sigi wrote:
> if I give faxspool an text file with 8bit characters they are not
> printing on the fax. Do I need other fonts for pbm or what is wrong?
The standard pbmtext (from pbmplus) can't do 8bit, dunno about netpbm.
There has been a patch & a new set of fonts floating around, but I would
have to search them myself. As a fix, I just don't use 8bit characters in
header lines...
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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025