Dialog script for listening to recordings

Klaus Weidner (klaus@snarc.greenie.muc.de)
Sun, 27 Mar 1994 22:21:00 +0200

nelson@crynwr.com (Russell Nelson) wrote:
> I've written a script, using the ``dialog'' program, to select, listen
> to, and optionally delete incoming voice messages.  Would this be
> useful to anyone?  I have it set up to play back through the
> soundblaster's /dev/audio device (highly recommended), but it could be
> very easily modified to use zplay.

Great idea, I'll put this in the distribution. I'm thinking about writing
an X frontend for vgetty, and I get the feeling that it would be well
worth the effort to learn Tcl/Tk, since this really seems to be a lot
less effort than C. Oh well...

\ klaus@snarc.greenie.muc.de--kweidner@physik.tu-muenchen.de--2:246/55.4
\ .signature error -- quote dumped