mgetty and SunOS 4.1.1: cannot get TIO

Frank Bartels (
Sun, 20 Mar 1994 12:44:27 +0100

Hya all!

I'm successfully using mgetty on my Sun 3 with SunOS 4.1.1. I compiled
mgetty with -DPOSIX_TERMIOS, hardware handshake enabled and default
portspeed 19200 baud. I did not apply the jumbo tty patch to my kernel,
because I've never read it really helps and I have no idea where to get
this patch.

There ist still a little problem. Nearly everytime an interactive user
logs out, I get the following in my logfile. It does not happen if I
dialout via kermit or uucp or a user logs out who has the uucico as
login-shell in my /etc/passwd. I do not use the feature to start uucico by
mgetty instead of login. I'm using mgetty-0.19-mar14 now. The problem
appeared with older versions, too.

03/19 20:25:07 ##### data dev=ttyb, pid=10957, caller=none, \
conn='19200/V32b 14400/V42b', name='', cmd='/bin/login', user='oliver'
03/19 20:47:50  check for lockfiles
03/19 20:47:50  locking the line
03/19 20:47:50  lowering DTR to reset Modem
03/19 20:47:54  tcsetattr failed: No such device or address
03/19 20:47:54  tcgetattr failed: No such device or address
03/19 20:47:54  cannot get TIO: No such device or address
03/19 20:47:54  check for lockfiles
03/19 20:47:54  locking the line
03/19 20:47:54  lowering DTR to reset Modem

I get the message 'mgetty fatal: cannot get TIO' on the console.

Any hints?

BTW: Did anyone manage to compile pcomm 2.0.2 with my configuration?

    Frank Bartels       |      Fax/UUCP: + 49 89 5469593          | MiNT is | Login: nuucp Index: /pub/ls-lR.nasim.gz | Now TOS!