strange thing since upgrade to 0.18

Claude Gelinas Agr. (
Fri, 18 Mar 1994 10:05:00 +0100

 Hello i just upgrade to mgetty 0.18 and since that time i keep receiving bad
fax and at 2400.

it's look like it have problem to have good connection with slow modem 2400
but with mgetty 0.17 that problem had been solved by changing the chip set in
my gvc 14400 modem.

Subject: fax from (anonymous sender)
To: claude
From: root (Fax Getty)

A fax has arrived:
Sender ID: 
Pages received: 0

Communication parameters: 
    Resolution : normal
    Bit Rate   : 2400
    Page Width : 1728 pixels
    Page Length: A4 (297 mm)
    Compression: 0 (1d mod Huffman)
    Error Corr.: none
    Scan Time  : 0

Reception Time : 0:46

The fax receive was *not* fully successful
The Modem returned +FHNG: 70
		   (Unspecified Receive Phase B error)

i also get some +FHNG: -3 and some with +FHNG: 1

the mgetty log say that there are problem starting the receiver...

also i receive strange message on my console when my machine is idle the
screen keep up filling with 

tty74: input overrun
and sometime tty73: input overrun

so i need specialist


   Claude Gelinas Agr.                              Voice : 514 652 9764                           Fax : 514 652 7731
   Montreal, Quebec, Canada         	              Off.: 514 652 7548