A little problem when receiving FAXes from CompuServe ...

HAL9000 (root@ganymed.phiger.com)
Mon, 14 Mar 1994 21:08:31 +0100

Hi all,

I just discovered a little problem when receiving FAXes created
by a CompuServe user. It seems that the CompuServe "Sender ID"
garbles the filename creation for the spooled G3 fax files:

Fax Getty wrote:
> From root Mon Mar 14 19:24:19 1994
> Message-Id: <m0pgHJI-0000JQC@phiger.com>
> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 94 19:24 CET
> Subject: fax from       CompuServe/FAX 
> To: root
> From: root (Fax Getty)
> Content-Type: text
> Content-Length: 438
> A fax has arrived:
> Sender ID:       CompuServe/FAX 
                             +-- this "/" seems to be the problem

> Pages received: 3
> Communication parameters: +FDCS:0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0
>     Resolution : normal
>     Bit Rate   : 9600
>     Page Width : 1728 pixels
>     Page Length: unlimited
>     Compression: 0 (1d mod Huffman)
>     Error Corr.: none
>     Scan Time  : 0
> Reception Time : 1:9
> Spooled G3 fax files:
>   /tmp/FAXnab8a.01
>   /tmp/FAXnab8a.02
>   /tmp/FAXnab8a.03
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- these should've gone to
                       /usr/local/lib/fax/incoming in my setup...

Any idea why this happened, and how I can fix this?

(No, I haven't had the chance to check the source so far. I'm out for
 training the whole week ;-)

Uwe S. ___ # uf@phiger.com            Just my $0.02 (thanks for the bandwidth).
Fuerst <|> # <ring-ring> ... "Yep!" ...
       ~~~ # "Hello operator? I'm at my quota limit. I need more space!"
           # ... "Move to Texas!" ... <click>                       -- B.O.f.H.