Vgetty voctopvf conversion problems (
Mon, 14 Mar 1994 16:24:03 +0100 (Russell Nelson) wrote:
>    Klaus Weidner wrote:
>    > You could take a look at the SOX (sound exchange) program, which
>    > can handle lots more data types than my own routines. I don't know
>    > if this includes the one you need.
>    Unfortunately, SOX doesn't include pvf yet ;-)
>    Is SOX available as source code?
> Yes.  SOX is in[1-9].Z in source,
> and the DOS binary is in the same directory.

It would probably be easy to extend SOX to handle pvf, since the
format is simple. Until then, you can always use one of the formats
supported by both SOX and my pvf tools (i.e. SUN .au or one of the
simple voc formats) as an intermediate step.

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