Mgetty works Perfect, Why not vgetty

Klaus Weidner (
Sun, 13 Mar 1994 00:04:00 +0100 (Todd L. Kindig-System Manager) wrote:
> Anybody out there have an inkling as to why I can use mgetty to its
> fullest (data/fax incoming and outgoing) without a hitch, but can't get
> vgetty to even allow an outgoing data call??
> PS: I added the -Wall to CFLAGS for vgetty to match mgetty.

This shouldn't be necessary, vgetty should inherit the CFLAGS from
mgetty. I assume that this could be your problem.

Try calling `make vgetty' or `make vgetty-install' from the
main mgetty directory - a `make' inside the voice directory
might fail when using a braindead make program, since it uses
a rather tricky recursive call.

If your problems persist, please send me the commands that
make uses to build the .c files (`make -n ... >out') and any
relevant sections of the log files.

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