Vgetty voctopvf conversion problems

Gert Doering (
Sat, 12 Mar 1994 23:50:42 +0100


Gary Gunderson wrote:
> I've been trying to convert some 'voc' files using voctopvf from the 
> mgetty 019 release without success. The response I get from the convertor is:
> 		unkown block type 9 skipping...  
> I am wondering, therefore, what it is that I am doing wrong in creating these
> voc files? Is it possible that the versions of my sound files utilties 
> (the Creative ones) a very new and are producing voc files that I won't be
> able to use?

The problem is that the "voc" sounds format is similar to the "tiff"
picture data format - there are numerous different possible "block types"
(in tiff: tag types), new ones get created every now and then, and few
programs are able to support all of them.

So, if you can lay your hands on something that documents block type "9"
(assumed that it's not a bug in voctopvf), I think Klaus may be willing to
implement handling it...


Ok, Ihr habt gewonnen, hier ist eine neue signature...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-3243328