Mgetty works Perfect, Why not vgetty

Gert Doering (
Sat, 12 Mar 1994 11:19:16 +0100


Todd L. Kindig-System Manager wrote:
> Anybody out there have an inkling as to why I can use mgetty to its
> fullest (data/fax incoming and outgoing) without a hitch, but can't get
> vgetty to even allow an outgoing data call??

Ooops? Did you try comparing mgetty / vgetty log files? They should be
quite similar (except the special voice part), so you should be able to
see (or at least get an idea) what's going wrong there.


Ok, Ihr habt gewonnen, hier ist eine neue signature...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-3243328