g3topbm patch for s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g vertically (fwd)

Uwe Fuerst (argus@ganymed.phiger.com)
Wed, 9 Mar 1994 08:39:33 +0100

Steven Work wrote:
> Here is an unapproved patch for Gert's g3topbm to double the rows of a
> g3 file -- giving a normal resolution fax the same aspect ratio as a
> fine res fax. 

Very good! I was just about to do something like this myself.
Thanks for your effort.

Uwe S. ___ # uf@phiger.com            Just my $0.02 (thanks for the bandwidth).
Fuerst <|> # "If only women came along with pulldown menus and online help!"
       ~~~ #                                                             -- ???