WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

Klaus Lichtenwalder (lichtenw@guug.de)
Wed, 9 Mar 1994 08:53:08 +0100

On Tue, 8 Mar 1994, Brent Mosbrook wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Mar 1994 hm@ix.de wrote:
> > CTS is always on irrespective of whether it hangs or
> > not. If it hangs, only DTR is low. The modem in
> > question is a 1496 E with 6.00 roms. I tried the EG+
> > with 6.10P too and the same occured. 
Seems, that I have more luck than you, my modem only hangs, let's say,
once every two months, if at all.

> the known problem was that CTS would stick low, and you would lose control
> of the modem.  if DTR is staying low, then the computer is holding it 
> there.. 
Yes, at least for Linux, that's normal behaviour, because no process is
using the line, so no DTR is asserted. Maybe my problem is different from
the one discussed here, because
	a) it appears less often.
	b) CTS is high (according to the LED)
Mgetty can't reset the modem, and apparently the modem can't/does not/whatever
send RING? I will try the procedure of calling the modem myself next time
it hangs, so I can't tell by now.
