How to handle incompatible modems?

Klaus Weidner (
Tue, 8 Mar 1994 00:38:41 +0100

> > It would be elegant if a new function, identify_modem(),
> > could reliably detect the modem type and initialize the
> > structure appropiately. That way, you wouldn't even
> > need to mess around with config files for this.
> Well, note the word "reliably". I don't think that it is possibly. Detect
> many modems, OK. Detect most of them, also OK. Detect all possiblilities,
> reliably? How???

It should be possible to handle the set of voice-capable modems
and only call the identify_modem() function from vgetty, that way
there shouldn't be too many problems. Fax/Data modems are much
more diverse, they will probably have to wait.

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